Industry Insider

A Bad Workman Blames His Tools: Taking Ownership of Your Job Search

As job seekers, it’s easy to blame external factors for our struggles in finding employment. We may point fingers at the job market, our qualifications, or lack of networking opportunities as the reasons we haven’t landed our dream job yet. However, the saying “a bad workman blames his tools” serves as a reminder that our success and failure is ultimately determined by our own actions and abilities, not external factors.


Layoffs and Corporate Profits

In recent years, American corporations have seen record-breaking profits. In fact, on a quarterly basis, corporate gains have risen by more than 80% in just the last two years. This is despite the fact that inflation is at a 40-year high and there is talk of a recession on the horizon. In 2022/23 tax year, it is projected that annual profits will reach an all-time high of $12T or more.